The Big Toe Studio Main Room
This is the main entry into the studio with about
half the room behind the camera position.
Below is Station #1 dedicated mostly to design and business
- Dual processor 1.25 Gig PowerMac G4
- 1 Gig RAM
- 2 Optical drives - CDRW and DVDRW
- 2 Internal 120 Gig hard drives
- 2 20" Apple Cinema Displays
- Apple iSight camera w/Griffin video light
- Harmon Cardon SoundSticks w/subwoofer
Next is Station #2. It's the heart of the studio. All audio and video
production and post-production happens here.
System #1
- Single processor 1.8 Gig PowerMac G5
- 2.5 Gigs RAM
- DVDRW drive
- 1 Internal 160 Gig hard drive
- 2 External 120 Gig Glyph firewire A/V hard drives
- 1 External 250 Gig LaCie firewire hard drive
- 1 External 160 Gig Maxtor firewire hard drive
- 23" Apple Cinema HD Display
- Altec Lansing multimedia speakers w/subwoofer
System #2
- Dual processor 450 Meg PowerMac G4
- 1 Gig RAM
- DVDRAM drive
- 2 Internal 120 Gig hard drives
This is a wide view of Station #2 that includes the Yamaha
NS-500M studio mains.
This is the beating heart of my all-Mac setup.
These computers are all networked and feed a dual Apple Airport Extreme wireless network as well